How Acupuncture Makes Your Life Better

Author: Blake Estape L.Ac.

Acupuncture makes life better, research proves it. Acupuncture is great when problems arise, but research has shown that consistent acupuncture can improve overall quality of life. That sounds like a big claim when it’s laid out like that, but looking into the facts makes it clear why it isn’t an exaggeration.


It Improves your Mood

This article explains how acupuncture has been found to regulate neuropeptides and cortisol levels to improve mood. In a measurable, physical way the body changes to be more adaptable. We become less sensitive to stressors and the autonomic nervous system is regulated. Levels of serotonin and other biochemicals adjust. Patients who include acupuncture in their maintenance regimen report decreased use of antidepressants and fewer withdrawal symptoms. Many causes of low mood were studied - menopause, overwork, hormonal, etc. - and the introduction of acupuncture helped in all cases.

Less Pain


It's always better to handle the first signs of pain before it gets chronic. Acupuncture is great for back pain, but it's even better when symptoms are caught early. Everyday aches and pains are something we all deal with, but they don't have to turn into something bigger before they're addressed. Here's an article about how professional athletes use acupuncture consistently to improve performance. These are people who need to be on the top of their game and they use consistent acupuncture to help them do that. Energy levels, circulation, resistance to illness and injury, muscle suppleness, reduced recovery time… as an industry professional sports has put a lot of faith in traditional medicine and for good reason.

Better Memory, Focus and Energy

Life demands things of us whether we're ready or not. Acupuncture has been proven to help increase energy to help you tackle your day. It starts with better sleep, then hormonal rebalancing, and strengthening the body against pathogens. All together acupuncture gets you humming along like a well-oiled machine. Because it helps moderate how we respond to stressors, those who enjoy consistent acupuncture find they have more energy to put into the things they enjoy.

Improved Immunity

The global health situation is improving day by day. If it could be said that anything good has come out of all this, it's that we are looking more towards prevention and not just intervention. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is great at improving immune responses, protecting us from the rigors of the world outside. Here's the science that says so!

Most importantly making a health routine for yourself shows commitment to betterment. It is time set aside for self improvement and maintenance. Acupuncture is a widely applicable tool at your disposal.


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