Insomnia: The War For Sleep
Author: Blake Estape L.Ac.
To those who have never suffered from insomnia it’s difficult to understand just how debilitating the lack of sleep can be. If you tumble into dreamland the moment your head hits the pillow count yourself blessed. There are scores out there - as many as 60 million Americans - who stare hopelessly at the ceiling for hours before they can shut their eyes, or wake up again and again to the sound of a snoring partner but are unable to reclaim sleep.
This year insomnia will affect 25% if the american population. For the majority this will be temporary, but a quarter of that number will continue to struggle with sleeplessness. However, anyone who has experienced even one sleepless night will know that the effects aren’t confined to the twilight hours. When we are sleep-deprived it effects our home life, our work, how well we drive and everything in between. Worse, lack of sleep has become so ubiquitous that people rarely seek interventions before the issue becomes chronic.
The Chinese have a unique way of diagnosis insomnia which informs treatment methods. During a consultation, the acupuncturist will take the pulse and examine the tongue as they often do before asking several questions. Do you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both? What wakes you up at night or what stops you from falling asleep? Do you have dreams, what sort are they? Answers to these questions are used to pinpoint precisely what is causing the underlying dysfunction.
The Organ Clock
Also called the Meridian Clock, it is a diagnostic method used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. The theory holds that our organ systems are most active (or, alternatively, at rest) during different periods of the day. Symptoms that occur consistently during certain times can be indicative of pathology in the corresponding organ system.
Many factors contribute to the quality of sleep. Stress, diet, lifestyle, fitness, sleeping habits, medication… the list is extensive. Typically it is a combination of these things which result in persistent poor sleep. Someone who suffers from insomnia will attempt any number of methods for relief, but often unguided and piecemeal - progressing from cheap and easy Youtube videos to very expensive mattress and pillow replacements.
If you suffer from insomnia then you know all of this already and you’re looking for relief. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are excellent tools in the quest for a proper night’s sleep. Through its downregulation of the autonomic nervous response and neurological modulation, acupuncture has been found effective in the treatment of insomnia. These positive findings are enhanced with the addition of herbal medicine and other traditional modalities. Furthermore, at Miami Acupuncture and Herbal Solutions we believe that treatment doesn’t stop at the clinic door. Other tools, dietary suggestions, mindfulness methods and more are discussed according to the needs of each patient to help them exert a measure of control over what can often feel like a hopeless struggle. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. If you are struggling with insomnia make an appointment for your free consultation, sleep doesn’t have to be a pipe dream.