Until recently cupping was a relatively obscure aspect of traditional medicine, familiar to people ‘in the know’ but otherwise a mystery. This began to change in 2016 during the Rio Olympics when luminary athletes like Michael Phelps and Alex Naddour appeared on television with the tell-tale bruises of cupping treatment. Since then interest and trust in the therapy have risen significantly. Still many questions remain. What is cupping exactly? Does it work? How? What does it treat? Below we attempt to answer the most pressing questions patients have concerning a treatment therapy that has been around for thousands of years.
What is it?
Cupping is a therapy wherein suction is applied to cups that are placed on a patient’s skin. Traditionally this was done with glass cups and a small flame. The fire would consume the oxygen in the cup as it was applied to the skin and suction would be achieved. These days, no fire is used. The same suction effect can be achieved with plastic cups and a suction valve.
Most often cups are applied to the back, but they can be placed almost anywhere. The suction causes increased blood flow through the capillaries causing them to break, forcing blood into the surrounding tissue. This damage invigorates the body’s healing mechanisms, promoting anti-inflammatory responses and increased lymphatic circulation.
They’re usually retained for ten to fifteen minutes, depending on how well the patient tolerates treatment. Any number of cups can be used in a single treatment, but five to ten are typical per visit. More advanced styles of cupping - like wet cupping, moving cupping or flash cupping - can be used as needed to widen the scope of conditions the therapy can treat.
Does it hurt?
Contrary to the common sense idea that a bruise results from something painful, patients often find cupping treatments to be relaxing. This is because the marks left behind from cupping aren’t bruises as we typically experience them. Ordinarily a bruise is the result of trauma from an impact, whereas cupping affects the capillaries of the skin only. The pressure may feel strange for a moment, but this quickly passes. Afterwards patients report feeling ‘light’ like a weight has been lifted. No soreness or pain is felt at the cupping sites or surrounding tissue and the dark marks usually resolve within a week to ten days.
Like any other modality the intensity of a treatment can be adjusted based on the condition and constitution of the patient. The practitioner will ensure that the discomfort is never more than the patient can tolerate.
How does it work?
The precise method of action is unknown and more research is needed to better understand exactly how it works, but there is no question that cupping can help with a number of common ailments. While the bruises left by treatment are unsightly, cupping requires no needles and a typical treatment lasts only around ten minutes, making it ideal for patients who are in a rush or may have a phobia of needles. Of course, the best results were reported when acupuncture and cupping were used in conjunction.
It is most effective for issues of muscular discomfort but has been found to be effective in cases of low immune response, Bell’s Palsy and more. In fact systematic randomized controlled trials suggest that cupping therapy may even be more effective than the traditional western approach in the treatment of conditions like herpes zoster. A slightly more complete list of issues cupping can treat is detailed below.
Ultimately it is hard to determine, biochemically, how cupping works. Improvement in range of motion, sensation of pain and other markers can be proven but it is difficult to point to anything specific. Often in these cases placebo is ‘blamed’ for the effect, but results speak for themselves.
Why are some marks darker than others?
A central idea in traditional Chinese therapy is the idea of ‘stagnation.’ That is to say that pain is a result of something being stuck when it should be moving. Cupping is meant to break up stagnation and reassert proper flow of blood and fluids. After treatment the cupping sites may come in all sorts of shades, from ordinary skin tone to dark purple. The darker a site is, the more severe the stagnation was to cause it.
Is it safe?
Acupuncturists and holistic practitioners undergo rigorous training in order to become licensed. This includes the proper use of cups, how long they should be retained, and when they should not be used. The practitioner will assess each patient’s needs and make a judgment based on differential diagnosis. In almost all circumstances cupping is completely safe, however caution must be taken for patients with blood clotting disorders and pregnant women.
How long does it take?
Most of the time patients feel relief immediately upon getting up off the table. In chronic conditions it may take several treatments in order to achieve long-lasting results, but cupping therapy is an excellent way to get relief fast. As with all forms of traditional medicine cupping is paired with lifestyle advise, stretch training and other methods to make sure the underlying cause of the discomfort is resolved and that the pain does not return.
What are some things Cupping treats?
Here is a partial list of things Cupping can help with:
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Intestinal disorders
Sciatica, back, neck and joint pain
High blood pressure, stroke and arteriosclerosis
Bronchial asthma & congestion
Gynecological disorders
Kidney and urinary disorders
Gastrointestinal symptoms; stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea
Liver and Gallbladder disorders
Dermatological disorders; stretch marks, varicose veins
Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Post-injury trauma
Post-surgery adhesions
Symptoms of Menopause
Cupping is an excellent therapy for a myriad of reasons and an easy introduction to traditional therapy. If you feel that cupping can help you on your path to health, book a free consultation with Miami Acupuncture and Herbal Solutions using the button below. We would be happy to explain how it can help with your specific issue.