Acupuncture Injection Therapy: What is it?

Author: Blake Estape L.Ac.

Let’s start with what it’s not. Acupuncture Injection Therapy - or AIT - is not like the shots you receive at a doctor’s office. For one, the injection sites are either acupuncture points of what we call ‘Ashi’ points (‘Ow, yes!’ in Chinese). Like traditional acupuncture treatments, needling these locations instigate an immune response from the body.

What makes AIT special is what lies in the syringes. A wide array of homeopathic, non-pharmaceutical solutions are employed to help in the treatment of many common illnesses; joint and muscular pain, headaches, GI issues, menstrual issues and more. Trace amounts of organic ingredients, such as Arnica, are suspended in a saline solution and small amounts are injected at acupuncture sites. In addition to the functions of acupuncture, the solution remains behind after a treatment and is slowly absorbed. This extends the efficacy of a single visit while giving the patient the benefit of the solution employed.

AIT has seen an uptick in usage lately, especially since acupuncturists have been required to earn a certificate prior to licensure. Hospitals in China have been using it for some time in the treatment of issues such as Trigeminal Neuralgia and Bell’s Palsy. Furthermore, it has seen extensive use as a Botox alternative for facial rejuvenation. Here at Miami Acupuncture and Herbal Solutions, AIT is just one of many modalities we employ to help our patients rediscover health. Come visit and experience the latest twist on an ancient tradition.

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