Acupuncture in the Treatment of Bell’s Palsy

Author: Blake Estape, L.Ac.

Acupuncture has been found to be an effective treatment for Bell's Palsy, especially when treatments begin early in the disease. ( Bell's Palsy occurs due to inflammation of the nerves innervating the face. This results in pain and paralysis. Acupuncture is uniquely suited for helping due to its vasodilative properties and acupuncture-controlled release of neuropeptides. When patients turn to acupuncture and herbal medicine as an adjunct to Western medical solutions, they see better results quicker than with traditional therapies alone.

Unfortunately patients typically turn to Acupuncture and herbal therapies only after Western modalities have failed them. By the time they enter an acupuncture physician's office, often they've been suffering with the disease for months or longer. Despite this, even in chronic cases significant improvement has been noted when acupuncture treatments are utilized as part of the recovery process.

If you are suffering from Bell’s Palsy, give Miami Acupuncture and Herbal Services a call to begin the path toward recovery.

Blake Estape, Dipl.O.M., L.Ac.


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