
Needle Chemistry: The Science Behind Acupuncture
A common accusation against traditional Chinese medicine is that it’s pseudoscience. In reality, acupuncture's influence on molecular and biochemical pathways such as eATP, TRPV1, neurotransmitters, the HPA axis, and IL-6 has become an area of intense scientific investigation.

Flipping the Script: How to Recognize and Correct Patterns of Negative Thinking.
Thoughts are remarkable things. We have developed the capacity – through imagination and language – to create complex and evocative ideas with enormous consequences. Myriad studies have been done to show the power of thoughts on our physicality. From perceptions of pain, to ideas of health, and even perceptions of self like intelligence, what goes on in the brain matter has far reaching implications. In short, the mind does indeed shape reality.

Latency and Long-Haul Syndrome
Long-Haul Syndrome has gained traction in the news cycle recently due to Covid-19, but the coronavirus is by no means the first disease to cause lingering symptoms months or even years after initial infection. In fact, Chinese doctors recorded the idea of latent pathogens in one of the earliest medical texts ever compiled, the Huang Di Nei Jing, somewhere around 300 B.C.

Can Needles Make You Less Anxious? They Sure Can
Anxiety in all its forms can be a debilitating and difficult illness. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and other treatments under the umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine are very effective tools in the management of anxiety, especially in combination with conventional therapies.

Stress, Pain and the Excess Lifestyle
The idea of duality is the basis for much of TCM theory. Yin and Yang, action and inaction, and how they work synergistically together. Ultimately health is found when the two forces are in balance. Unfortunately, Western civilization is often caught up in the idea of extremes.

Does Acupuncture Work?
Does acupuncture work? The short answer - yes. By any measure acupuncture and the full scope of traditional treatments help people feel better. This is how.