
Needle Chemistry: The Science Behind Acupuncture
A common accusation against traditional Chinese medicine is that it’s pseudoscience. In reality, acupuncture's influence on molecular and biochemical pathways such as eATP, TRPV1, neurotransmitters, the HPA axis, and IL-6 has become an area of intense scientific investigation.

Getting to Know Your Five Spirits
The Po is the part of the soul that is inexorably tied to the body and the earth. It’s the animal part of us, that thing which ties us forever to the environment we came out of. It’s active from the moment of conception, as the earliest organizational principles of the body are formed.

Grief and the Toll it Takes
Grief is a consumptive disease. Not only does it impact one’s mental well-being, but their physical health as well. Studies have shown that those with existing illnesses often get worse after loss. From the standpoint of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is because one’s physical and mental states are inextricable. When so much energy is used in fighting off grief the body has fewer resources to utilize for itself, or it becomes exhausted from the strain.

The Grind: TMJ, Jaw Pain and Holistic Medicine
Have you ever woken up with an aching pain in your jaw that seems to linger? Maybe it fades as the day goes on, but the next morning there it is to greet you. These are typical symptoms of temporomandibular joint pain, typically called TMJ or TMD.

Does Acupuncture Work?
Does acupuncture work? The short answer - yes. By any measure acupuncture and the full scope of traditional treatments help people feel better. This is how.