
Entrepreneurial Wellness: Managing Our Most Important Asset
In treating the entrepreneur population my focus is just as much in treating the symptoms as it is on restructuring how they think. I do this by leaning on two very old philosophical texts; the Art of War, and the Dao De Jing. These two books have very different purposes – one being warfare and the other the pursuit of virtue. However, despite this they share a lot of common themes which are just as applicable to running a business as they are to running a country, or running our own lives.

Getting to Know Your Five Spirits
In Chinese, the character for Zhi is 志. The top half of the character is Shì 士, meaning soldier/scholar, and the bottom is Xin 心, heart/mind/intention. Thus the combined characters create the meaning of a trained and disciplined person acting with intent. The simplified translation is will/aspiration/ideal, or to keep in mind.

Getting to Know Your Five Spirits
The ancient Chinese had a unique view of the spirit. They believed that there are five aspects of being, each arising from different sources and housed in different places. These spirits are responsible for our emotional wellbeing and social behavior. Since they’re hanging around in there, how about we take a moment to familiarize ourselves with these facets of ourselves and how to support them.