Grief and the Toll it Takes
Grief is a consumptive disease. Not only does it impact one’s mental well-being, but their physical health as well. Studies have shown that those with existing illnesses often get worse after loss. From the standpoint of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is because one’s physical and mental states are inextricable. When so much energy is used in fighting off grief the body has fewer resources to utilize for itself, or it becomes exhausted from the strain.
Treating Headaches and Migraines at Their Root
Here it comes: mood shifts, auras, neck stiffness, light sensitivity. And then the pain – I’ve heard it described as a searing knife. Migraines.
Holistic Medicine for Post-Viral Symptoms and Immune Recovery
Millions of people have been exposed to the SARS-CoV2 virus, and now months later we are beginning to understand more about the consequences of infection. Post-viral fatigue, loss of smell and taste, brain fog and chronic cough have been widely reported. Frustratingly, patients are being told that there isn’t much they can do about these complaints except rest.