Healing Foods for the Flu Season

Author: Blake Estape L.Ac.

In Chinese medicine the flu comes with the changing of weather. More specifically, as the weather becomes hotter our bodies struggle to maintain homeostasis and illness arises. Since ancient times the Chinese saw food as medicine and thus there are a number of remedies you can make in the kitchen to help protect yourself from the flu, and fight it off if you get sick.

Our bodies are designed to keep us functional, so when we become ill the body's focus changes to allow more resources for shoring up our immune system. This means a reduction in the functions of the stomach and consequently a lack of appetite. This is perfectly natural but can be confusing, because we need fuel to power our immune system as it fights off invading viral and bacterial threats. The trick is to eat the right amount of the right foods - stuffing ourselves while our GI system is depressed will cause bloating and malabsorption of food, bringing no benefit. 

Grapes: Grapes are seen as very tonifying in the parlance of Chinese medicine. They are sweet, which is beneficial to the stomach, or sour which is a flavor the Chinese believe can tamp down on the inflammatory aspects of the flu. When heat and inflammation are primary a glass of natural grape juice can go a long way. If it's trending more towards cold, a good mulled wine will work wonders.

Cantaloupe, Honeydew, etc: Melons have a cooling nature, and thus are perfect for fever and the thirst it causes. They are nourishing to the lungs and help to eliminate dry cough.

Star Fruit: If sore throat and nausea are part of the presentation, star fruit can help to settle the stomach and ease the throat. Phenolics and proanthocyanidins also provide antioxidants.

Fig: Figs are an excellent food for the flu, since it deals with many of the symptoms of the disease; lack of appetite, sore throat, dry cough and so forth. It can also help with constipation as a result of fluid consumption from fever. 

Asparagus: For those patients who suffer from phlegmy coughs, asparagus can break up the turbid water and allow them to either absorb and digest, or expectorate the mucus and provide relief. It is also rich in a multitude of vitamins including folic acid, vitamins A and C and antioxidants which will strengthen the immune response.

Generally a person sick with the flu is encouraged to eat less and focus on a more liquid diet, because it's easier for the stomach to digest and quickly utilize in the body's defense. Teas are an excellent source to provide aid and comfort; camomille, peppermint and ginger root with lemon and honey are excellent choices. Foods high in bioflavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C, which is integral to our immune response.

Of course each person is different, and even the same person can present differently in the clinic with every visit. At Miami Acupuncture and Herbal Solutions each treatment is also a re-assessment and advice is given in accordance with the specific needs of the patient.


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