
In Tune With the Seasons: Late Summer
Blake Estape Blake Estape

In Tune With the Seasons: Late Summer

One of the core tenants of TCM is the idea that humans are inextricably tied to the world they live in. It’s a Taoist precept that we are not separate from the world – we’re a reflection of it. From a practical level this is common sense. Some illnesses present more often in hotter climates than colder ones, for instance.

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Combat Summer Heat with Traditional Chinese Medicine
nutrition, herbal medicine, self care Blake Estape nutrition, herbal medicine, self care Blake Estape

Combat Summer Heat with Traditional Chinese Medicine

With the hotter months comes all the staples of summer; oppressive heat, high humidity, and biting sun. As the temperatures climb our bodies are subjective to rapid and intense changes, which in turn can lead to a number of health issues unique to this time of year. The first and top concern is sunstroke. The Chinese called it Summer Heat and defined it as the following constellation of symptoms:

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